Moove permite controlarea iPhone folosind miscari ale terminalului

  Moove este un tweak lansat in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia pentru iDevice-urile noastre, iar conform dezvoltatorului sau, el ne permite sa controlam modul de functionare al iDevice-urilor prin simple miscari ale terminalelor noastre. Mai exact, intorcand un iPhone cu ecranul inspre masa sau scuturandu-l va genera o anumita actiune in iOS, totul in baza specificatiilor noastre, tweka-ul avand un meniu de setari in care putem controla fiecare actiune si miscare.

  Dupa cum probabil v-ati imaginat deja, Moove foloseste accelerometrul si giroscopul terminalelor noastre pentru a genera diversele actiuni, astfel ca ele trebuie in prealabil configurate in meniul de setari, acolo fiind disponibile inclusiv optiuni pentru alegerea aplicatiilor care nu sunt afectate de aceste miscari.

  • Kill current app: When you quit an app, instead of opening the switcher, focusing on the last one, and swiping up, you’ll just have to flip your device!
  • Kill all apps: If you need to close all your running applications, just double tap home to open the switcher and flip your device!
  • Lock killer: You usually unlock, use an app and then lock again? Don’t bother to quit manually your app/apps, with this options last/all apps are killed automatically while locking.
  • Clear lockscreen: Clear your notifications in lockscreen just by shaking your iDevice.
  • No music kill: If music app is going to be closed and you are listening to music, the closing process for that app will be aborted.
  • Blacklist support: You can choose the applications that will never be killed by Moove.

  Moove este disponibil pentru descarcare la pretul de 1 dolar din repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on mart. 27, 2015, 4:19 PM 16:19

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