Camera+ 6.3 update a fost lansat in App Store

Camera+ este una dintre cele mai bune aplicatii pentru inregistrarea de poze folosindu-ne iDevice-urile, iar in cursul acestei seri versiunea 6.2 a ei a fost lansata in App Store. Noua versiune a aplicatiei Camera+ aduce pentru utilizatori si o aplicatie dedicata Apple Watch, aceasta permitand inregistrarea de poze folosind ceasul inteligent al celor de la Apple, acesta oferind inclusiv posibilitatea de a seta un temporizator care inregistreaza automat pozele in baza unui timp prestabilit.

Camera+ Watch app

For those of you gadget freaks who’ve acquired an Apple Watch, we’ve created a Camera+ Watch app for you. With it, you’re able to snap photos remotely, along with triggering shots via the timer. For those of you without an Apple watch, we leave you with a few phrases to recite until you get one…

Selfie Widget button

Selfie emergency? We’ve got your back. You can now instantly get to the front-facing camera from the Camera+ Today Widget.

What’s that… you haven’t yet enabled the Today Widget?! Well, check out the detailed instructions in the Extensions section of the Settings menu right within Camera+.

Separat de aplicatia pentru Apple Watch, Camera+ are acum disponibil si un widget in Centrul de Notificari, Notifications Center, pentru inregistrarea rapida de selfie-uri folosind camera frontala a terminalelor. Camera+ este una dintre cele mai bune disponibile in App Store pentru inregistrarea de poze si va recomand sa o incercati, ea fiind disponibila pentru DESCARCARE in doua versiuni separate in App Store, ambele fiind disponibile la pret redus.

Pretul initial:



Developer: tap tap tap LLC
Categoria: Photo & Video

Descriere: Over 10 million sold!

The Clarity filter is iPhone photographys secret sauceit adds pro-camera crispness to almost any shot.
Kevin Sintumuang, The Wall Street Journal

If the iPhones standard camera is l…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 59.2 Mb

This post was last modified on iun. 3, 2015, 9:03 PM 21:03

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