Death Race: The Game! a fost lansat in App Store

Death Race: The Game! a fost lansat in cursul noptii trecute in App Store pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch, celebrul joc fiind acum disponibil pentru toti cei interesati sa beneficieze de povestea binecunoscutei serii de filme lansate in cinematografe.

Daca sunteti un fan al filmelor Death Race, atunci cu siguranta veti aprecia munca depusa de catre dezvoltatori pentru a recrea partial pe terminalele mobile o parte din ceea ce ofera acest titlu pentru noi, creatorii jocului inercand sa respecte in cea mai mare parte povestea peliculelor.

Exact precum in filme, in Death Race: The Game! vom avea posibilitatea de a participa la diverse curse in care vom putea conduce masinile modificate cu armura si diverse arme, scopul fiind de a ne impiedica, prin orice mijloace posibile, oponentii sa ajunga la final.

Welcome to the Death Race, the most extreme sports event on Earth, where hardened convicts race to the death to earn their freedom. Now you can experience the supercharged, metal-crushing intensity of the movie in a game for your iOS device! You choose the weapons and the vehicles as you put your life on the line and race for your freedom in this explosive game. In a race where losing means death, are you ready to do whatever it takes to defeat your opponents, before they defeat you? With fast cars, big guns and realistic graphics, Death Race will have you on the edge of your seat!

Fiecare dintre masini are o serie de arme pe care le putem monta pe masura ce avansam in joc, iar pe parcursul fiecarei curse ne putem folosi atat de ele, cat si de munitia sau bonusurile puse la dispozitie de catre dezvoltatori pentru a distruge fiecare oponent.

Conform creatorilor, Death Race: The Game! are disponibile nu mai putin de 12 masini din diverse categorii, pentru fiecare dintre ele existand si patru femei co-pilot care ne vor ghida in tentativele noastre de a castiga cursele.

  • 12 tricked out vehicles (sport, trucks, SUVs, and muscle!)
  • 4 super sexy co-pilots!
  • Striking graphics and incredible courses.
  • Varied game modes: Story, Daily, Ladder, and Challenge.
  • Share your souped up car on Facebook!
  • Amazing jumps, drifts, battles and explosions!
  • Spectacular non-stop action – just like the movie!

Death Race: The Game! este disponibil pentru DESCARCARE in format universal din App Store.


Pretul initial:
Death Race: The Game!



Developer: Genera Mobile
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Welcome to the Death Race, the most extreme sports event on Earth, where hardened convicts race to the death to earn their freedom. Now you can experience the supercharged, metal-crushing intensity of the movie in a game for your iOS device!

You choose t…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 405.1 Mb

This post was last modified on iun. 19, 2015, 5:18 PM 17:18

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