Un regizor demonstreaza puterea camerei iPhone intr-un slow-motion grozav (Video)

Apple promoveaza de ceva vreme camera iPhone ca o ustensila grozava pentru a inregistra poze si clipuri video in orice fel de conditii, iar un regizor numit Tristan Pope s-a gandit sa ne arate ca tot ceea ce spune Apple nu este doar o strategie de marketing.

In aceasta idee el a realizat clipul video de mai jos folosind un terminal iPhone 6, dansatorii din Zurich, Elvetia, fiind inregistrati in timpul unor demonstratii, functia slow-motion, ralanti, a camerei terminalelor fiind utilizata pentru a surprinde “magia” dansului.

Pentru a realiza clipul video el a folosit cateva accesorii si aplicatii disponibile in App Store, insa nu a reusit sa treaca peste limitarea impusa de Apple pentru inregistrarea slow-motion, rezolutia 720p fiind principala problema a acestei funcii.

Zurich has always held a special place in my heart, as I spent many summers there as a child. Revisiting so many years later as a contestant and ultimately a winner for the MoMo film festival with Dancers of NYC, and meeting so many creative people using their mobile devices to tell stories, inspired me to make the sequel to Dancers of NYC. It was so different than our first go around, with multiple dancers in frame at once, better equipment, and foreign backdrops. It was an adventure to say the least and everyone was a huge part of its creation with their ideas, suggestions, and talents. The goal here is to showcase everyone’s talent and have a ton of fun doing it!

This post was last modified on iun. 22, 2015, 6:42 PM 18:42

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