Apple a lansat a doua aplicatie Android

A doua aplicatie Android a companiei Apple a fost lansata in cursul noptii trecute de catre cei din Cupertino, ea oferindu-le posesorilor acestor terminale optiunea de a controla difuzoarele Beats Pill+.

Aplicatia este disponibila si intr-o versiune pentru iOS in momentul de fata, ea oferindu optiunea ca multipli utilizatori sa controleze unul sau mai multe difuzoare Beats Pill+, optiunea de a combina doua difuzoare intr-un modul stereo fiind deasemenea disponibila.

Beats Pill+ le ofera utilizatorilor Android o functionalitate utila, spre deosebire de aplicatia Move to iOS care are doar rolul de a ii ajuta sa transfere date dintr-un smartphone Android intr-un terminal iPhone, asa ca va fi interesant de vazut cum va fi ea primita de catre acestia.

Dupa cum va spuneam anterior, compania Apple ofera aplicatia pentru descarcare atat prin App Store, cat si prin intermedul Google Play, asa ca daca aveti un difuzor Beats Pill+ va puteti folosi de ea pentru a controla produsul lansat de catre cei de la Beats.


Download the Beats Pill+ app to unlock features that put you and your friends at the center of your music like never before. Developed exclusively for the Beats Pill+, now you can control your speaker in multiple ways straight from the app. Bring a second Beats Pill+ speaker into the mix for even more innovative ways to play.


Just turn your Pill+ speaker on and look for the pulsing ‘b’. Then, go to your Bluetooth® menu, select your speaker, and start playing with the different modes.

DJ – Grab a friend and control the music from two Bluetooth® sources.

Amplify – Add a second Beats Pill+ into the mix and simultaneously play from both for a sound that’s twice as full.

Stereo – Use two Beats Pill+ speakers as left and right output for an even more dynamic sound experience.


– Like the Beats Pill+ speaker, the app has a sleek interface and is intuitive to use.

– Connect to your Beats Pill+ from two audio sources.

– Unlock more ways to play with two Beats Pill+ speakers for even more dynamic sound.

– Keep track of your Beats Pill+ power levels so you always know how much battery is left.

– In Amplify, adjust the volume of two speakers wirelessly from your external Bluetooth® source.

– Get additional software updates and product support.

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