World of Tanks Generals – cea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii pentru iPad

World of Tanks Generals este cea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii pentru iPad promovata de catre compania Apple in App Store si vorbim despre o noua versiune a unuia dintre popularele jocuri online disponibile in lumea intreaga.

Daca ati mai jucat vreun joc din seria World of Tanks, atunci veti fi placut impresionati de World of Tanks Generals, jocul oferind un gameplay nou pentru utilizatori, dar si un motor grafic imbunatatit pentru cele mai noi iDevice-uri, intreaga experienta fiind net superioara fata de versiunile anterioare.

Conform dezvoltatorilor, intreaga actiune a World of Tanks Generals se desfasoara in perioada celui de-al doilea razboi mondial in care voi veti prelua rolul unui general care trebuie sa isi conduca armata spre victorie folosindu-se de arsenalul pe care il are la dispozitiel.

BECOME A GENERAL: build your army, and dominate WWII battlefields in World of Tanks Generals—the free-to-play card game. Plan, deploy and destroy your enemy’s HQ in tactical turn-based warfare. BUILD YOUR ARMY: create your deck from a range of tanks, artillery, special orders, and don’t forget your army’s backbone—the HQ. Making sure you have a versatile yet powerful army is your key to victory! SHOW YOUR STRENGTH: If you think you have what it takes to command an army and challenge other generals across the globe, it’s time to lay your cards on the table.

World of Tanks Generals are nu mai putin de 200 de carti de joc pe care le puteti colectiona pentru a va construi armata, ofera posibilitatea de a participa la batalii online impotriva jucatorilor din sistemul companiei care a creat intregul joc, asa ca vorbim despre o experienta extrem de interesanta.

Creatorii World of Tanks Generals ne ofera posibilitatea de a controla armatele a trei mari natiuni de pe planeta : SUA, Germania si Rusia, fiecare unitate militara fiind creata pentru a reprezenta cat mai bine unitatile reale din perioada celui de-al doilea razboi mondial, asa ca va veti distra cu siguranta in joc.

  • Dynamic 1×1 PvP battles
  • Strategic gameplay
  • Endless tactical combinations
  • PvE training battles
  • Over 200 cards
    • 21 unique headquarters
    • 147 cards to research
    • 27 mercenaries
    • 12 Premium cards
  • Three available nations: the USA, Germany and the USSR
  • High quality and historically accurate art
  • Leaderboards
  • Battle with friends
  • Cross-platform play
  • Multi-browser and multiplatform support across mobile and PC platforms
    •Wargaming.net ID account: instant access to other Wargaming.net products, including World of Tanks, World of Warplanes, World of Warships, and World of Tanks Blitz.
    •Collect rewards for outstanding achievements

World of Tanks Generals este disponibil pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA, in format universal, din App Store.

This post was last modified on nov. 29, 2015, 12:17 PM 12:17

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