Easy Music este Editor’s Choice-ul saptamanii in App Store

Easy Music a fost aleasa de catre compania Apple drept Editor’s Choice-ul saptamanii in App Store pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch, iar din imaginea alaturata puteti vedea ca vorbim despre un joc dedicat copiilor.

Conform dezvoltatorilor Easy Music, aplicatia a fost gandita pentru copiii carora le place muzica, parintii acestora putandu-i ajuta sa se initieze in lumea muzicii cu ajutorul unui titlu care ii ajuta sa descopere totul intr-un format foarte inuitiv si extrem de atractiv pentru ei.

Intreaga interfata a jocului este gandita ca o lume virtuala in care copiii pot invata nu doar cum sa cante la instrumente muzicale, ci si intregul alfabet, astfel ca vorbim despre in titlu foarte complex in care copiii pot invata intr-un mod placut foarte multe despre ceea ce fac chiar si la gradinita.

Easy Music is the perfect initiation into the world of music, no theory required! It is a beautifully animated app to introduce kids aged 5+ to musicality. Children learn to recognize notes, pitch, rhythm, and melody in a nature-inspired game environment. An interactive sand castle serves as a musical playground where curious kids can experiment with various instruments, genres of music and objects freely to compose their first music piece.

Easy Music este aplicatia perfecta pentru un copil care incearca sa devina un muzician sau pur si simplu este atras de mediul muzical, astfel ca ii puteti face o surpriza placuta instalandu-i aplicatia pe iPhone sau tableta iPad pe care o foloseste in fiecare zi.

Before children learn the alphabet, they already know how to speak. To be effective, music instruction must follow the same natural progression. Kids should first learn to listen in order to learn how to play! Also, children will be able to impress friends and family members by playing a few songs by ear on our rainbow piano! For these reasons, the app is the perfect way to ignite a curiosity about learning music and be prepared to play a new instrument.

Aplicatia Easy Music este disponibila pentru DESCARCARE, in format universal, din App Store.

This post was last modified on ian. 16, 2016, 9:50 AM 09:50

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