Apple: vrem sa aparam cetatenii americani in fata FBI

In disputa dintre Apple si FBI avem noi declaratii ale reprezentantilor celor din Cupertino, vicepresedintele senior al companiei, Eddy Cue, vorbind intr-un interviu nou despre importanta pe care o are securitatea iDevice-urilor create de Apple.

In mare, Cue reitereaza afirmatii ale colegilor sai, spunand ca Apple ajuta FBI si politia americana atunci cand poate, dar ca nu poate oferi ceva la care nu are acces, el comparand cererea FBI cu cea a unei persoane care iti cere cheia de la usa de intrare in propria casa.

Eddy Cue spune ca lupta dusa de Apple cu FBI este foarte importanta pentru protejarea securitatii cetatenilor americani, el sustinand ca guvernul SUA are un istoric negativ in ceea ce priveste protejarea datelor confidentiale, diversi hackeri avand acces la o varietate de date de-a lungul anilor.

Apple considera ca poate proteja tcetatenii americani mai bine decat FBI in ceea ce priveste securitatea datelor, lucru care este perfect adevarat, insa agentia guvernamentala are un rol mult mai important in SUA si ocazional are nevoie de date confidentiale ale utilizatorilor.

First, we help the police and the FBI in this case and many more cases. We give all the data we have. In this case, the problem is that they want to give the one thing that we do not, that we can not give. What they want is you to give a key to the back door of your house and you do not have the key. Since you don’t have the key, they want to change the lock. When we change the latchkey, it changes for everyone. And we have a key that opens all phones. And that key, once it exists, exists not only for us. Terrorists, criminals, pirates, all too will find that key to open all phones.

Lupta dintre Apple si FBI, a scindat opinia publica din SUA, numarul celor care sustin pozitia companiei americane crescand constant in ultimele saptamani si acest lucru este normal din moment ce multe dintre motivele lor rezoneaza cu dorintele unui numar tot mai mare de americani.

How you can talk to a family member who has lost someone in a terrorist case?… My heart aches, just thinking if [that happened to] me or someone in my family. I am very, very sorry, it should not happen to anyone in the world. And that is why it is so important in this case that we do the best we can do for the safety of everyone. If we do not protect the phone, we will make a much, much worse. In recent years, the government has lost more than five million fingerprints, employees of government itself. They have lost hundreds of millions of credit numbers, financial systems.This problem is happening more and more and more. And the only way we can protect ourselves is to make the phone more safe.

Mai multe informatii despre ceea ce a declarat Eddy Cue gasiti in acest interviu.

This post was last modified on mart. 10, 2016, 8:57 AM 08:57

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