Apple va vinde electricitate

Apple vinde electricitate produsa in exces in fermele sale solare din SUA, cei din Cupertino creand o companie numita Apple Energy LLC pentru a se ocupa cu vanzarile in diverse zone din SUA.

Apple produce mai multa energie electrica decat are nevoie, fermele sale solare din Cupertino si Nevada avand productie in exces in raport cu nevoile celor din Cupertino, asa ca excesul va fi vandut pe intregul teritoriu al SUA prin intermediul Apple Energy LLC, inregistrata in Delaware.

Apple a creat aceste ferme solare pentru a crea energie electrica dedicata sustinerii activitatii actualului sediu, viitorului Apple Campus 2, dar si a centrului de date din Nevada, insa productia este cu mult mai fara fata de necesarul anual al companiei Apple.

Anual fermele solare ale companiei Apple sunt capabile sa produca sute de megawati si cei din Cupertino au nevoie de un plan de a distribui energia in exces, legislatia americana obligand Apple sa o vanda la pret redus catre marile companii de electricitate din tara.

Apple ar putea sa vanda energie electrica si direct catre oameni obisnuiti sau alte companii, insa ar trebui sa fie certificata pentru a face acest lucru, dar ar putea castiga mult mai multi bani dintr-o afacere de acest gen, planurile Apple fiind deocamdata diferite.

Apple nu si-a anuntat vreodata planurile privind vanzarea de energie electrica in SUA, dar probabil va discuta despre ele in cadrul WWDC 2016, sau poate chiar dupa aceea, in functie de intelegerile pe care le-ar putea incheia pentru distributia sa in America de Nord.

Apple s-a laudat in foarte multe randuri cu realizarile sale in ceea ce priveste functionarea doar in baza energiei regenerabile, iar acum este capabila sa vanda excesul de energie electrica pentru a sustine renuntarea la metodele clasice de a produce energie electrica.

Apple Energy LLC

Market-Based Rate Tariff

1. Availability.  Apple Energy LLC (Seller) makes wholesale electric energy and capacity available under this Tariff to any purchaser for resale except as prohibited below.  Seller may also make available to any purchaser the ancillary services listed below:

a. California ISO:  Seller offers regulation service, spinning reserve service, and non-spinning reserve service to the California Independent System Operator Corporation (CAISO) and to others that are self-supplying ancillary services to the CAISO.

b. New York ISO: Seller offers regulation and frequency response service, and operating reserve service (which include 10-minute non-synchronous, 30-minute operating reserves, 10-minute spinning reserves, and 10-minute non-spinning reserves) for sale to purchasers in the market administered by the New York Independent System Operator, Inc.

c. Midcontinent ISO: Seller offers regulation service and operating reserve service (which includes 10-minute spinning reserve and 10-minute supplemental reserve) for sale to the Midcontinent Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. (“Midcontinent ISO”) and to others that are self-supplying ancillary services to Midcontinent ISO.

d. New England ISO: Seller offers regulation and frequency response service (automatic generator control), operating reserve service (which includes 10-minute spinning reserve, 10-minute non-spinning reserve, and 30-minute operating reserve service) to purchasers within the markets administered by the ISO New England, Inc.

e. PJM Interconnection: Seller offers regulation and frequency response service, energy imbalance service, and operating reserve service (which includes spinning, 10-minute, and 30-minute reserves) for sale into the market administered by PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (“PJM”) and, where the PJM Open Access Transmission Tariff permits, the self-supply of these services to purchasers for a bilateral sale that is used to satisfy the ancillary services requirements of the PJM Office of Interconnection.

f. Southwest Power Pool: Seller offers regulation service and operating reserve service (which include 10-minute spinning reserve and 10-minute supplemental reserve) for sale to the Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (“SPP”) and to others that are self-supplying ancillary services to SPP.

g. Third Party Provider.  Seller offers Regulation Service, Reactive Supply and Voltage Control Service, Energy and Generator Imbalance Service, Operating Reserve-Spinning, Operating Reserve-Supplemental, and Primary Frequency Response Service.  Sales will not include the following: (1) sales to an RTO or an ISO, i.e., where that entity has no ability to self-supply ancillary services but instead depends on third parties; and (2) sales to a traditional, franchised public utility affiliated with the third-party supplier, or sales where the underlying transmission service is on the system of the public utility affiliated with the third-party supplier. Sales of Operating Reserve-Spinning and Operating Reserve-Supplemental will not include sales to a public utility that is purchasing ancillary services to satisfy its own open access transmission tariff requirements to offer ancillary services to its own customers, except where the Commission has granted authorization.  Sales of Regulation and Frequency Response Service and Reactive Supply and Voltage Control Service will not include sales to a public utility that is purchasing ancillary services to satisfy its own open access transmission tariff requirements to offer ancillary services to its own customers, except at rates not to exceed the buying public utility transmission provider’s OATT rate for the same service or where the Commission has granted authorization.

2. Applicability.  This Tariff is applicable to all wholesale sales of energy, capacity and ancillary services by Seller that are (1) subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, and (2) not made pursuant to another tariff on file with the Commission.

3. Rates.  All sales shall be made at rates established by agreement between the purchaser and Seller.

4. Other Terms and Conditions.  All other terms and conditions shall be established by agreement between the purchaser and Seller.

5. Compliance with Commission Regulations.  Seller shall comply with the provisions of 18 CFR Part 35, Subpart H, as applicable, and with any conditions the Commission imposes in its orders concerning Seller’s market-based rate authority, including orders in which the Commission authorizes Seller to engage in affiliate sales under this Tariff or otherwise restricts or limits the Seller’s market-based rate authority.  Failure to comply with the applicable provisions of 18 CFR Part 35, Subpart H, and with any orders of the Commission concerning Seller’s market-based rate authority, will constitute a violation of this Tariff.

6. Limitations and Exemptions Regarding Market-Based Rate Authority.  The Commission has granted Seller in Docket No. ER16-__-000 the following waivers and blanket authorization: (i) waivers of Parts 41and 141 (except for Sections 141.14 and 141.15) of the Commission’s accounting and periodic reporting requirements; and (ii) waiver of the accounting and related reporting requirements under Part 101, with the exception that waiver of the provisions that apply to hydropower licensees has not been granted with respect to licensed hydropower projects; and (iii) waivers of Subparts B and C of Part 35 of the Commission’s regulations, except for Sections 35.12(a), 35.13(b), 35.15 and 35.16; and (iv) blanket authorization under Section 204 of the FPA and Part 34 of the Commission’s regulations for all future issuances of securities and debt and assumptions of liability.   See Apple Energy LLC, Docket No. ER16________.

7. Seller Category.  Seller is a Category 1 seller in all regions, as defined in 18 C.F.R. § 35.36(a).

8. Effective Date.  This Tariff is effective on such date as set by the Commission.

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