MII de Oameni au Asteptat Deschiderea celui mai NOU Apple Store

Mii de oameni au asteptat deschiderea celui mai nou Apple Store, in Thailanda, denumirea iconsiam fiind aleasa pentru acesta, iar oamenii s-au adunat in numar mare in fata lui. Sute de oameni au stat peste noapte la coada in fata noului magazin Apple, iar inaintea deschiderii efective, in locatia aleasa de catre americani asteptau mii de oameni la coada.

Deschiderile de magazine Apple sunt in general facute cu sute de fani care asteapta la coada pentru a vedea ce este pregatit pentru ei, insa in Thailanda se pare ca interesul a fost mult mai mare. Avand in vedere ca acesta este primul Apple Store din tara, era normal ca foarte multa lume sa fie prezenta, compania fiind foarte iubita si inregistrand vanzari bune in tara.

There were hundreds of super-charged Apple fans in Bangkok Thailand that lined up overnight to be the first to visit Apple’s first Apple Store in that country. As morning broke there were thousands waiting to get in as you can see in the photo below. The insane joy of being greeted by 100 Apple employees and receiving a gift box has the first customer to enter the store completely ecstatic.

This post was last modified on nov. 10, 2018, 5:40 PM 17:40

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