iPhone 4-signalproblemer kan skyldes desinficering

Da, ati citit bine, intreagul scandal legat de problemele cu receptia semnalului la iPhone 4 puteau fi evitate daca inginerii de la Apple ar fi umblat cu terminalele de test fara sa isi igienizeze mainile. Cel putin asa sustine un biochimist de la o universitate de prestigiu din SUA, explicand ca atunci cand un tehnician testeaza un terminal de proba trebuie sa isi igienizeze mainile mai intai iar asta duce la “curatarea” mainii de electrolitii care in mod normal se gasesc pe suprafata pielii, si in final nu poate reproduce problemele pe care utilizatorii normal le au cu telefonul.

Acelasi biochimist sugereaza ca rezolvarea este foarte simpla si se materializeaza sub forma unui strat organic izolator ce ar putea fi aplicati pe antena telefonului pentru a impiedica descarcarea electrica odata cu ateingerea respectivei parti cu degetul. Biochimistul sustine ca Apple ar putea aplica aceste benzi chiar si intr-un Apple Store insa stim cu totii ca Apple nu va face acest lucru pentru ca oficial nici macar nu recunoaste existenta acestor probleme. Acest biochimist a trimis chiar si o scrisoare celor de la Apple insa e putin probabil sa fi fost bagat in seama de cineva, totusi scrisoarea o aveti mai jos :

Subject: HowToFix for minimal cost — hydrophobic organic thin film layer


In truth, Apple’s explanation for iPhone 4 signal reception problem is inaccurate at best and disingenuous at worst. iPhone users are in some of the hottest and most humid parts of the country this summer and have salty, damp hands especially at events such as baseball games, barbecues, or other outdoor activities. having bare metal antennae purposely handled will absolutely short the signal. This problem will be difficult to reproduce in Apple’s labs because the engineers are required to wash their hands before touching devices, which also strips off the natural hand electrolytes that are ever-present in the field on a hot day.

Anyway, the solution is not a redesign of the phone, but rather an electrically insulating organic hydrophobic layer atop the bare metal. a variety of plastics will work, such as polyethers, polystyrenes, or nylons. you could even use the plastic labels ever-present on aluminum soda cans, which likewise have an electrically insulating effect when holding said cans. these plastic coatings can be very very thin films which do not ruin the aesthetics of the device, and would require a minimal change of your production line. More importantly, this coating in no way affects the ability to recycle the aluminum — the organic thin film layer will burn away cleanly during the aluminum remelt process. Phones that have already shipped could easily be coated with this new layer at any Apple retail store or with a simple kit you could send to your customers.

In summary, this is a problem of electrochemistry, and certainly NOT a problem of software design, nor one that can possibly be solved by a software update.

Apple needs to hire some chemists.

Med venlig hilsen

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