Gearkasse præsenterer: bolden styret af iPhone


Gearbox este o companie care produce jucarii, iar ultima lor opfindelse e o minge ale carei miscari sunt controlate in totalitate cu ajutorul unui smartphone HTC/Android/Apple. Practic miscati telefonul in directia dorita iar mingea se va invarti in acea directie pana ii veti spune sa se opreasca. Bila este controlata printr-un mecanism intern care ii directioneaza miscarea, iar in momentul de fata doar terminalele cu Android o pot controla, insa compania promite ca va dezvolta tehnologia si pentru terminalele Apple.

So basically how HTC/Android/Apple make smart phones, we make smart toys. Our first smart toy is a robotic ball that you can move by tilting your phone in the direction you want the ball to roll. We are then leveraging the connectivity and computing power of the phone to create a fully interactive experience for the user. Our first app for the ball is Sumo. I throw my ball on a table, you throws yours on the table and then we can try and sumo each others ball off the table. However, while our physical balls are moving there is also an onscreen component with online stats, profiles, damage, powerups and other aspects of gameplay that aren’t possible with a regular remote control toy. For instance, when the balls collide they can sustain “damage” and roll slower or I could get a powerup to reverse your controls for a few seconds.