iOS 5 beta 2 – alle nyhederne fra Apple

iOS beta 5 2 den blev frigivet aseara de catre Apple pentru dezvoltatorii de aplicatii pentru iOS si impreuna cu el a fost lansat un changelog foarte mare in care sunt mentionate toate modificarile aduse sistemului de operare. Lista este foarte lunga, dupa cum puteti vedea si voi, semn ca Apple a lucrat mult la imbunatatirea sistemului de operare pe care noi il vom folosi. Exista cateva schimbari notabile pe care le voi discuta in articole separate insa aici aveti intreaga lista a modificarilor.

Daca Apple va contiuna sa imbunatateasca sistemul in acest mod pana la lansarea finala atunci vom avea parte de un iOS 5 foarte bine pus la punct.


  • FIXED: Adding a CardDAV account of any kind (Yahoo, Address Book Server, etc) and then removing the account will result in the loss of the UI button to add a new contact. The button will not appear under Contacts App or the Contacts button under the Phone app.
  • FIXED: Modifying the fields of an iCloud contact from an iOS device that was not the original source of the contact causes the contact’s photo to disappear on other iOS devices. The image is still there but it is not fetched properly.


  • Fra iOS 5.0 er videoindhold i applikationer og websteder AirPlay-aktiveret som standard.
  • iOS 5.0 understøtter AirPlay af video via AV Foundation.
  • Apple TV-pauseskærmen kan forringe spejlingsydeevnen over AirPlay. Pauseskærmen kan deaktiveres i Apple TV-indstillinger.

Apple TV

  • Apple TV Software beta gør det muligt for brugere at spejle indholdet af en iPad 2 til et Apple TV (2. generation) ved hjælp af AirPlay. Denne beta-software aktiverer også Photo Stream på Apple TV, så brugere kan få adgang til billeder, der er gemt i iCloud. Apple TV Software beta leveres for at teste den nyeste AirPlay-funktionalitet med dine iOS 5-apps og websteder. Hvis du ønsker at installere Apple TV Software beta på din enhed, skal du først registrere din enheds UDID i iOS Developer Program Portal.


  • When signing in with a Classic MobileMe account via iOS 5.0 Setup Assistant, it offers iCloud Backup.


  • Using voice chat in iOS 5 requires setting the kAudioSessionMode_VoiceChat mode on the Audio Session, or setting the AVAudioSessionModeVoiceChat mode on the AVAudioSession object.
  • In iOS 5 beta1, voice chat is currently not working on iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 3rd generation devices.


  • FIXED: When connected to Personal Hot Spot via Bluetooth, the internet connection for web browsing is not successful.


  • FIXED: Despite turning off reminder sync with an iCloud account, editing in the reminders app displays the option to make a new reminder list under iCloud. By doing so, the list and to do items under the list will sync to other devices.
  • NEW: After creating a recurring event locally on the device, the device stops syncing after hitting an error on merge. Removing and re-adding the account acts as workaround for this.


  • FIXED: When making a change to calendar syncing, like having more than one account on the device and turning on or off one of the account’s calendar syncing, changes may not show up on the calendar UI. To resolve this, kill the calendar app through app switcher and launch it again.
  • NEW: All MobileMe calendars were duplicated after turning calendar syncing off and back on.
  • NEW: If you launch or manually refresh Calendars on an iPad, your calendars might disappear and you will have to tap “Show All Calendars” to display them again.


  • FIXED: In games that support “Turn-Based Matches” a player cannot end a match unless all players end the match.
  • Matchdata for turbaserede kampe er i øjeblikket begrænset til 4 KB data.
  • In iOS 5.0, notifications for Game Center are off by default. To enable notifications go to Settings->Notifications->Game Center-> and change the Alert Style from None to Banners or Alerts.
  • FIXED: Attempting to present a GKPeerPickerController object causes an iPhone 4 to dim and become ‘modal’, but the peer picker never appears.


  • NEW: In the iOS 5 beta 2, the data type of the center property of GLKSkyboxEffect of the GLKit framework has been changed from GLfloat * to GLKVector3.
  • FIXED: In the iOS 5 beta, the envColor property and the colorMaterialEnabled property of the GLKEffectPropertyTexture class (in the GLKit framework) are not operational.
  • FIXED: In the iOS 5 beta, the constantColor property of the GLKBaseEffect class (in the GLKit framework) does not report the correct value in gdb.
  • FIXED: In the iOS 5 beta, the GLKReflectionMapEffect class (in the GLKit framework) requires either the texture2d0 property, the texture2d1 property, or both configured with a valid texture name (for example, texture2d0.glName = myTextureName) in order to function properly. If one of these properties is not configured, you will get no reflection map rendering and a shader compilation error.
  • If you don’t have a texture2d you intend to use with the GLKReflectionMapEffect class, the following code may be added as a workaround to augment the reflection map effect with a base texture: [redacted code]
  • FIXED: In the iOS 5 beta, disabling any of the three light parameters (light0, light1 or light2 ) of GLKBaseEffect does not work.
  • Since the GLKReflectionMapEffect class inherits from GLKBaseEffect, the same behavior is observed for lights used with GLKReflectionMapEffect.


  • iBooks 1.2.2 kan muligvis ikke vise tekst eller billeder i bøger. Opdater venligst til iBooks 1.3 i App Store.
  • FIXED: Newer PDFs added to iBooks will not be added to subsequent backups.

iCloud Backup

  • As this is beta software it is recommended that you do not use the iCloud services to store any critical data or information. If you enable iCloud Backup, automatic backup with iTunes when syncing will be disabled. We suggest you also manually back up your device with iTunes.
  • I iOS 5 beta er understøttelse af databeskyttelse i iCloud Backup ikke tilgængelig. Apps, der har beskyttede filer, vil ikke have nogen af ​​deres data eller metadata sikkerhedskopieret som et resultat.
  • NEW: After restoring, you may not be able to back up again because the device still thinks it’s restoring. To workaround this issue try syncing apps or media that are missing form iTunes or try deleting your iCloud account and adding it back.
  • NEW: If you delete your backup, the feature will be disabled but settings may still indicate that it is enabled and you will have to toggle the BackUp to Cloud switch in Settings.

iCloud Opbevaring

  • I løbet af iOS 5.0 betaperioden kan alle dokumenter, der er gemt på serverne, blive slettet med jævne mellemrum før GM. Derfor anbefales det stærkt, at du ikke gemmer kritiske dokumenter eller informationer på serverne.
  • Hvis din applikation bruger NSMetadataQuery-klassen, skal du angive et prædikat, selvom prædikatet i sig selv ignoreres.
  • The Foundation framework doesn’t include the team ID when looking for an app’s mobile documents container. The Team ID must be included at the beginning of the identifier string passed to the URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier: method.
  • NEW: In this beta, the setSortDescriptors: method of NSMetadataQuery is not supported.
  • NEW: In this beta, if you want to use iCloud, you have to manually specify various container identifiers (your application’s Display set) within an Entitlements file for both of your Mac OS X and iOS projects.
  • NEW: There are issues using the Cloud Storage document API in conjunction with protected data which can lead to data corruption.
  • NEW: In this beta, document-based applications cannot always detect when files change, move, or are deleted out from underneath them.
  • NEW: In this beta, file presenters (objects that adopt the NSFilePresenter protocol) do not receive some of the messages that they’re supposed to receive, especially:
  • præsenteretItemDidChange
  • præsenteret SubitemDidAppearAtURL:
  • præsenteret SubitemDidChangeAtURL:
  • Du kan omgå dette ved at implementere relinquishPresentedItemToWriter:-metoden og kontrollere, om forfatteren faktisk skrev, da din filpræsentation genanskaffede. Du kan også bruge FSEvents til at observere filsystemændringer
  • NEW: In this beta, messages about changes to files in a directory are not getting delivered to objects that adopt the NSFilePresenter protocol.
  • While reporting a bug related to the iCloud storage interfaces, please include the logs collected during your debugging session. To generate these logs, you must install a special debug profile on your device.
  • The debug profile can be obtained from This profile enables the generation of debug logs that are needed to diagnose any problems using iCloud storage. The instructions to collect the logs are:
  • Installer profilen. (Den nemmeste måde at gøre dette på er at sende den til dig selv og åbne den vedhæftede fil på deres enhed).
  • Genskab fejlen.
  • Synkroniser med iTunes for at trække logfilerne fra din enhed.
  • Vedhæft logfilerne til din fejlrapport. Du kan finde logfilerne i ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/DeviceName/DiagnosticLogs.
  • These logs can grow large quickly, so you should remove the profile after you have reproduced the problem and pulled the logs for the bug report.


  • NEW: iMessage seed 2 will be unable to communicate with iMessage users on seed 1.
  • FIXED: Swiping the iMessage on/off switch and the MMS messaging on/off switch in Settings crashes it. Just tapping or toggling does not crash settings.
  • FIXED: In an iMessage conversation, video/audio attachments cannot be viewed in the transcript on either side of the conversation.


  • Den version af iTunes, der følger med beta 2, kan ikke synkronisere enheder, der har beta 1-softwaren installeret. For at undgå dette problem skal du gøre følgende:
  • Synkroniser alle enheder, der har beta 1 installeret med den version af iTunes, der fulgte med beta 1.
  • Opgrader iTunes til den version, der følger med beta 2.
  • Tilslut enheden og installer beta 2-softwaren. (Forstå, at du muligvis vil se en fejl ved synkronisering, når du først tilslutter enheden).
  • Når du har installeret beta 2-softwaren, skal du gendanne fra din sikkerhedskopi, du lavede i trin 1.


  • NEW: Sending an MMS of large videos does not work.


  • Hvis du anvender justeringer af røde øjne i iOS og importerer dit billede til iPhoto-frøbygningen, vises justeringerne for røde øjne ikke på det billede i iPhoto. Som følge heraf vil efterfølgende synkronisering af dit billede tilbage til iOS-enheden fra iPhoto ikke vise justeringerne for røde øjne.


  • NEW: The Reminders application does not send notifications for reminders that are based upon the entry (and/or exit) of a location if there is no date associated with the reminder.


  • NEW: The “Back Up Now” button is enabled without the backup data class being enabled for the account.
  • NEW: If you bring up the keyboard of the terms in Settings->General->Software Update, you cannot dismiss it. You have to force quit Settings to get out.


  • Push- og lokale meddelelser for apps vises i det nye meddelelsescenter i iOS 5.0. Underretningscenter viser meddelelser, der betragtes som "ulæste". For at imødekomme push- og lokale meddelelser, der ikke har nogen "ulæst" status, kan udviklere bruge deres applikationsbadge-antal til at udløse en sletning af meddelelser fra meddelelsescenteret. Når en applikation rydder sit badgeantal (ved at indstille det til nul), vil iOS 5 slette sine meddelelser fra Notifikationscenter.
  • Developers are strongly encouraged not to run or debug applications on the device prior to completing the device’s setup assistant. This will lead to unexpected behavior and will be a prevented operation in a future release.


  • Knapperne afspil og optag i automatiseringsinstrumentets scripteditor fungerer muligvis ikke korrekt efter målretning mod et program, der blev startet af en sporingssession og er afsluttet. De virker muligvis heller ikke, hvis du målretter mod en applikation, der blev suspenderet. Hvis du støder på dette problem, og det fortsætter, skal du muligvis lukke og genåbne sporingsdokumentet for at komme tilbage til en funktionel tilstand.
  • Når der indfanges handlinger i et script ved hjælp af automatiseringsværktøjet, kan grænseflader med webvisninger eller tabelceller, der indeholder et stort antal off screen-elementer, tage ekstremt lang tid, før de vender tilbage med et udtryk.
  • Lock() og unlock() funktionerne i UIATarget er blevet erstattet med lockForDuration( ) arbejde.
  • Instruments overskriver det indlæste automatiseringsscript, selvom et andet program redigerer det.
  • Starting iOS 5.0, beta 2 you can now trigger the execution of a UI Automation script on an iOS device from the host terminal by using the instruments tool. The command is:
  • instrumenter -w T


  • NEW: Returning nil from the tableView:viewForHeaderInSection: method (or its footer equivalent) is no longer sufficient to hide a header. You must override tableView:heightForHeaderInSection: and return 0.0 to hide a header.
  • I iOS 5-betaen har UITableView-klassen to metoder til at flytte en celle fra en række til en anden med definerede parametre. Disse API'er har:
  • moveSection:toSection:
  • moveRowAtIndexPath:toIndexPath:
  • Starting in iOS 5, the exclusiveTouch property of UIControl defaults to YES.
  • Ved at bruge UIWebView-klassen i Interface Builder er det muligt at indstille transparent baggrundsfarve i iOS 5. Udviklere, der kompilerer mod den nye SDK, kan tjekke deres XIB for den transparente UIWebView-indstilling.
  • I iOS 5-betaen er implementeringerne af UINavigationBar, UIToolbar og UITabBar ændret, så drawRect:-metoden ikke kaldes på forekomster af disse klasser, medmindre den er implementeret i en underklasse. Apps, der har genimplementeret drawRect: i en kategori på nogen af ​​disse klasser, vil opdage, at drawRect: metoden ikke kaldes. UIKit foretager link-tjek for at forhindre, at metoden bliver kaldt i apps, der er linket før iOS 5, men understøtter ikke dette design på iOS 5 eller nyere. Apps kan enten:
  • Brug tilpasnings-API'en til bjælker i iOS 5 og nyere, hvilket er den foretrukne måde.
  • Underklasse UINavigationBar (eller de andre stangklasser) og overstyr drawRect: i underklassen.
  • Metoderne indexPathForRow:inSection:, sektion og række i NSIndexPath bruger nu NSInteger i stedet for NSUInteger, så disse typer matcher med metoder defineret på UITableView.
  • There is a known issue with presenting a UIVideoEditorControllerobject where it doesn’t show the selected video, which appears blank instead. In certain cases it may also crash.
  • Berøringshændelser videresendes ikke til visningen i cameraOverlayView-egenskaben for UIImagePickerController.
  • NEW: The imagePickerController:didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo: method of UIImagePickerController is not returning a URL to the video when recording is complete.
  • NEW: When creating a new appointment in calendar app on a device using 24 hr clock, you cannot select an hour value greater than 12. The date-time picker value sets current weekday to be the same as previous day (e.g: a An appointment on Tuesday will be set as Monday).
  • NEW: We have changed the behavior of scrollToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:animated: such that UITableViewScrollPositionTop and UITableViewScrollPositionBottom now adjust for the top and bottom portions of the contentInset property.


  • NEW: In iOS 5.0 beta 2, a new inherited CSS property, -webkit-overflow-scrolling, is available. The value touch allows the web developer to opt in to native-style scrolling in an overflow:scroll element. The default value for this property is auto.
  • WebKit-rammeværket har hentet en nyere WebKit-motor, som nøje matcher Safari 5.1. Nogle områder, du skal være opmærksom på med den nye WebKit-ramme på iOS:
  • Der er en ny HTML5-kompatibel parser.
  • Tekstlayoutbredden kan ændre sig lidt, fordi ord-afrunding nu har flydende komma-baseret præcision.
  • Der er forbedret validering af formularfelt, som omfatter fjernelse af foranstillede nuller og talformatering.
  • Berøringshændelser understøttes nu i inputfelter.
  • window.onerror er nu understøttet.


  • I iOS 5.0 beta 2 er trådløs synkronisering nu tilgængelig til Mac. Det kræver iTunes 10.5 beta 2 og OS X 10.6.8 eller Lion. Du vil se en mulighed for at aktivere trådløs synkronisering, når du tilslutter din enhed til iTunes med USB-kablet. Det anbefales, at du udfører din første synkronisering med et kabel efter gendannelse af din enhed.
  • Wireless syncing is triggered automatically when the device is connected to power and on the same network as the paired computer. Or, you can manually trigger a sync from iTunes or from Settings -> General -> iTunes Sync (same network as paired computer required). Be sure your device is plugged into a power source when performing Wireless syncs.
  • Hvis du finder problemer med apps, medier og/eller billeder synkroniseret til din enhed, kan du nulstille og derefter synkronisere igen. Fra Indstillinger -> Generelt -> Nulstil, vælg Slet alt indhold og indstillinger. Tilslut derefter iTunes igen og synkroniser igen.
  • I denne betaversion kan iTunes fejlagtigt rapportere Fotos som "Andet" i kapacitetslinjen. Billedsynkronisering fungerer ellers som forventet.


  • You are strongly encouraged to back up your device using iTunes before restoring.
  • I nogle tilfælde viser Xcode 4.2 Organizer ikke en enhed, der er i gendannelsestilstand. Som en løsning kan du bruge iTunes til at gendanne.
  • På nogle stationære maskiner puster Xcodes hukommelsesbrug op utrolig hurtigt, mens en enhed gendannes eller en IPSW kopieres. Brug iTunes til at gendanne som en løsning.
  • Sometimes Xcode 4.2 switches to a wrong scheme or run destination after an on-disk update.
  • I denne beta vises crash-logs (enten usymboliserede eller symboliserede) ikke i Xcode Organizer. For at få dem til at blive vist i Xcode Organizer, skal du omdøbe enheden.
  • NEW: In iOS 5.0 beta 2, the iOS Simulator is not compatible with previous releases of the iCloud Developer Seed for OS X. It is highly recommended that you update to the latest iCloud Developer Seed to ensure compatibility.