SHINE – et helt nyt tema til din iDevice

  SHINE er et tema lanceret i løbet af denne nat i Cydia, iar prin intermediul ei puteti experimenta iOS-ul si ale sale aplicatii intr-un cu totul alt stil. Daca va uitati la imagini veti intelege ca tema modifica atat interfata aplicatiilor native ale iOS-ului, cat si Springboard-ul, sau LockScreen-ul, deci in final veti avea parte de o experienta noua. Tema vine echipata cu 26 de widget-uri animate pentru aplicatiile native si unele aplicatii terte, are alte 9 widget-uri separate pentru Spotlight, si 3 teme animate pentru LockScreen-urile noastre.

  Aplicatia contine si cate o interfata speciala pentru multe aplicatii terte disponibile in App Store, asa ca puteti experimenta diferenta inclusiv in aplicatii care nu au fost concepute de catre Apple. SHINE er tilgængelig i repoen ModMyi al Cydia.

The best theme, artwork, animations and the most and best Widgets ever made on iOS. FEATURES:* Setup-free, do anything right on your screen * Just everything included, no irritating extra packages* 26 (!) ANIMATED App-starting iWidgets like Facebook, clocks, own Slideshow, Twitter, RSS-Reader, calendar and many many more…* 9 (!) Winterboard Widgets build-in (Date, animated Spotlights in various colors, animated GPS weather and more) * 3 (!) animated Lockscreen themes build-in* Multilanguage widgets in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Dutch * Excellent and complete UI- and App-Theming* AUXO theme * SBSettings theme* Zepplin logo* SIRI theme* Icon Mask, all icons themed* Handmade and professional graphics * LiveClock theme* Transparent Loadingscreens for all apps* WhatsApp theme* ColorKeyboard* Sounds theme * Battery theme * Wooden Shelf Mod included.

iPhone 5</strong>, iWidgets (Free Cydia Tweak) and Gridlock2 (paid Cydia Tweak). If you want the iWidgets to start Apps then just install the free tweak “iWidgedTapper”. In case of any questions please read the Setup file inside the theme folder on your device.