Samsung Galaxy S4 formåede ikke at reducere iPhone-salget markant i USA

  Samsung Galaxy S4 a fost lansat acum mai bine de o luna de zile in multe tari de pe glob, iar un studiu recent facut in SUA dezvaluie faptul ca terminalul nu a reusit sa reduca semnificativ vanzarile de terminale iPhone , cel putin deocamdata. Ifølge de de la Detwiler Fenton sustin ca desi vanzarile de terminale iPhone au scazut, cifrele sunt mult mai bune decat se asteptau ei, noul Samsung nereusind sa genereze vanzari foarte mari fata de Samsung Galaxy S3udgivet sidste år.

Our latest checks continue to indicate North American iPhone sales remain resilient, despite the high profile device launches from Samsung [Elektronik (005930KS)] andHTC (2498TW). Based on our checks, we believe QTD share at Verizon Wireless [afTele Danmark Mobil Kommunikation (VZ)] is only off a couple percentage points sequentially and that iPhone5 continues to garner a larger percentage of iPhone share. We believe that share at AT & T (T) and Sprint (S) has dropped slightly more than at VZ due to the Galaxy S4 share gains and that Telia Denmark (TMUS) will sell approximately 1MM units in the June Q. We understand that US carriers had expected AAPL to lose more share in the June Q than what has played out thus far. Samsung’s GS4 has sold well but with it only up roughly 15% over GS3 sales in North America, AAPL has been able to maintain most of its share. Therefore, with June Q handset sales being up sequentially and AAPL’s share being higher than expected, we are forecasting 30MM units globally for the June Q.

  iPhone 5 continua sa fie smartphone-ul Apple care inregistreaza cele mai bune vanzari la toti operatorii de telefonie mobila care il au in oferta, terminalul Apple avand cea mai mare priza la publicul american. Majoritatea analistilor se asteptau ca vanzarile de iPhone-uri sa sufere o reducere semnificativa dupa lansarea Samsung Galaxy S4, insa se pare ca in final noul dispozitiv Samsung n-ar fi convins chiar atat de multa lume. Inainte sa inchei trebuie sa mentionez ca aceeasi companie a afirmat luna trecuta ca numarul de terminale BlackBerry Z10 returnate dupa achizitie este mai mare decat media altor smartphone-uri si acest lucru nu ar fi fost adevarat.