SkyDocs hjælper dig med nemt at administrere dine dokumenter, der er gemt i skysystemer

  SkyDocs er en applikation, der blev lanceret i aftes i App Store, iar conform descrierii ei putem administra simplu si eficient documentele disponibile in diverse servicii cloud. Practic aplicatia se conecteaza automat la conturile noastre disponibile in serviciile Dropbox, Box, GoogleDrive, SkyDrive eller SugarSync, toate fiind prezentate intr-o interfata intuitiva. Documentele pot fi vizualizate impreuna cu orice alt continut multimedia disponibile in ele, iar clipurile video salvate in sectiunea Favorite pot fi vizualizate chiar si atunci cand nu aveti o conexiune de internet disponibila.

SkyDocs is an easy way to manage all your docs across all your cloud services on your iOs devices. You can use SkyDocs constantly at work, home, university, in the air or on the go. With one single app you will have all your docs at your fingertips! A variety of functions in this app will help you to manage all your docs across all your cloud services far more effectively. 


  • Access all your docs across all your clouds using one single app – SkyDocs on your iOs device. Supported clouds are Dropbox, Box, GoogleDrive, SkyDrive, SugarSync. 
  • Simply use multiple accounts. You don’t need to re-login if you have different accounts in one cloud. With SkyDocs you can use them at the same time. 
  • Quickly find a file in your clouds using filter or sort your files by name, size or date. 
  • Move docs between folders in your clouds. 
  • Create new folders. 
  • Upload files from the web or other apps to your SkyDocs. 
  • Send files to other applications (Open-In)
  • Print files using AirPrint. 
  • Protect your privacy simply by creating a passcode. 

  Aplicatia contine un modul de filtrare/cautare a documentelor disponibile in aceste servicii, permite incarcarea oricaror altor fisiere in ele, permite deschiderea fisierelor in orice alte aplicatii din iDevice-ul vostru si permite printarea documentelor folosind AirPrint. SkyDocs er tilgængelig i universelt format i App Store.




Developer: Oleksandr Romanov
Kategori: Produktivitet

Beskrivelse: SkyDocs is an easy way to manage all your docs across all your cloud services on your iOs devices. You can use SkyDocs constantly at work, home, university, in the air or on the go. With one single app yo…

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