Apple forsvarer sig mod beskyldninger om iOS-problemer

Probabil nu mai este vreun secret pentru cineva faptul ca iOS-ul are multe probleme de functionare care afecteaza experienta de utilizare, ele inceapand sa apara dupa ce iOS 7 a fost lansat cu o interfata mult modificata, iar in iOS 10 deocamdata nu par sa fi fost rezolvate chiar toate bugurile existente.

Intrebati despre problemele Apple, vicepresedintele senior Eddy Cue si vicepresedintele Craig Federighi au oferit cateva explicatii. Eddy Cue afirma ca desi exista mult mai multe produse si mult mai multe tipuri de utilizatori, iOS-ul are mai putine produse decat in trecut, iar implicait produsele functioneaza mai bine.

El spune ca incearca sa-i tina mereu pe subalternii sai “in joc” spunandu-le ca daca acum cativa zeci de ani o problema avea efect asupra a 1% dintre clienti, adica doar cateva mii de persoane, acum o problema care afecteaza 1% dintre clienti, de fapt afecteaza zeci de milioane de oameni, iar acest lucru trebuie evitat cu precadere.

El afirma ca produsele Apple sunt mult mai bune decat in trecut deoarece exista standarde de lucru mai mari, iar oamenii au asteptari mai mari de la produsele Apple, astfel ca echipele de ingineri incearca sa aduca pe piata cel mai bun software posibil pentru cei care cumpara produsele Apple.

Well, there’s more people, there’s more devices, and there’s more communications available. I actually think our products have fewer mistakes than they did in the past, and our data shows that. But, look, I tell this to my team all the time. When we were the Mac company, if we impacted 1% of our customers, it was measured in thousands. Now if we impact 1% of our customers, it’s measured in tens of millions. That’s a problem, right—things are going to be perceived differently. Our products are way better than they used to be, but there’s a higher bar, and I’m okay with that. I think that is why we’re here. That’s why I get up every day. I like that people have high expectations of us, and that they care about little things that bother them, which, in a lot of products, they wouldn’t bother about. With other companies, you think, that’s about as good as it’s going to be. With us, you want perfection; you want it to be the best. And we want that.

Craig Federighi sustine ca o lume in care oamenilor nu le pasa de experienta oferita de catre produsele pe care le folosesc nu este o lume buna pentru Apple, compania dezvoltandu-se intr-o lume in care oamenilor le pasa de detalii si se plang de ele, aceasta fiind obsesia angajatilor din Cupertino.

El continua spunand ca sunt suficiente companii care ofera produse cu compromisuri, insa Apple este concentrata pe a face totul aproape perfect la produsele sale, iar desi uneori apar greseli si probleme, angajatii sai muncesc incredibil de greu pentru a le rezolva si a isi multumi clientii.

A world where people do not care about the quality of their experience is not a good world for Apple. A world where people care about those details and want to complain about them is the world where our values shine. That is our obsession. If people were like, “That’s good enough for me” . . . well, there are a lot of people who can provide that kind of experience. I think that we are focused on working hard every day to make it better. We make mistakes, things get out there, but we work incredibly hard to make things better and better. The bar does keep going up. The number of things you expect from your phone and your computer and the way they interact, and the cloud and services and the way the Internet works with them, the level of complexity goes up and up. But we’re committed to getting better and better, faster than it gets harder and harder.

Practic, vorbim despre cateva texte de marketing care nu scuza faptul ca in 2014 milioane de clienti au ramas fara functie GSM dupa un update, sau ca iOS 9.3 nu permitea accesarea link-urilor web in Safari. E greu de inteles cu probleme de acest gen sunt trecute cu vederea de inginerii Apple, dar iata ca exista cate un text de marketing pentru orice.