Tim Cook kritiserer Donald Trump hårdt for at træde ud af Paris-aftalen

Tim Cook, presedintele companiei Apple, il critica dur pe presedintele SUA, Donald Trump, intr-o scrisoare trimisa angajatilor companiei pe care o conduce. Scrisoarea a fost trimisa noaptea trecuta, dupa ce Donald Trump a decis sa retraga SUA din acordul de la Paris privind schimbarile climatice, presedintele SUA nefiind de parere planeta trebuie protejata.

Aceasta atitudine a lui Donald Trump a fost cunoscuta inca din perioada in care el era doar un candidat la functia de presedinte al SUA, insa ceea ce a promis atunci, s-a realizat. Decizia lui Trump a venit in ciuda faptului ca foarte multi presedinti de companii importante din SUA l-au consiliat sa nu ia o decizie atat de radicala, insa asta nu a prea contat.

Acum, desi SUA s-a retras din pactul de la Paris privind combaterea schimbarilor climatice, Tim Cook sustine ca Apple va continua politica sa privind functionarea folosind energie regenerabila. Apple este hotarata sa isi reduca dependenta de surse energetice poluante, indiferent de ceea ce va decide sa faca presedintele SUA si guvernul american.

Pozitia lui Tim Cook este identica si in cazul companiilor Google, Facebook, Microsoft, dar si a altor giganti IT, si nu numai, insa Donald Trump are cel mai probabil alte interese in spate.


I know many of you share my disappointment with the White House’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement. I spoke with President Trump on Tuesday and tried to persuade him to keep the U.S. in the agreement. But it wasn’t enough.

Climate change is real and we all share a responsibility to fight it. I want to reassure you that today’s developments will have no impact on Apple’s efforts to protect the environment. We power nearly all of our operations with renewable energy, which we believe is an example of something that’s good for our planet and makes good business sense as well.

We will keep working toward the ambitious goals of a closed-loop supply chain, and to eventually stop mining new materials altogether. Of course, we’re going to keep working with our suppliers to help them do more to power their businesses with clean energy. And we will keep challenging ourselves to do even more. Knowing the good work that we and countless others around the world are doing, there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic about our planet’s future.

Our mission has always been to leave the world better than we found it. We will never waver, because we know that future generations depend on us.

Your work is as important today as it has ever been. Thank you for your commitment to making a difference every single day.


Tim Cook kritiserer Donald Trump