Samsung sagt, dass das iPhone ohne seine Patente nicht existieren könnte

  Saptamana trecuta ITC-ul din SUA a decis sa isi reevalueze o decizie prin care a hotarat ca Apple nu incalca brevete de inventie ale Samsung, o intoarcere a ei putand duce la o interdictie de vanzare a iDevice-urilor in SUA. Desi ITC-ul va lua o decizie abia in ianuarie, astazi Shin Jong-kyun, seful diviziei mobile/IT a Samsung, sagte er ca iPhone-ul celor de la Apple nu ar putea exista fara brevetele de inventie ale Samsung care acopera tehnologii de telecomunicatii mobile.

The truth never lies. Without Samsung-owned wireless patents, it’s impossible for the Cupertino-based Apple to produce its handsets,’’ said Samsung’s mobile chief Shin Jong-kyun in a brief meeting with local reporters on his way to the company’s main office in downtown Seoul, Wednesday.
“As you know, Samsung is very strong in terms of portfolios of wireless patents,’’ the executive added.

`”The re-evaluation decision by the USITC doesn’t necessarily mean Samsung is better-positioned for the fight with Apple. But Samsung will do its best,’’ Shin told reporters. “Samsung’s legal team is effectively responding to this fight. Yes, a new trial for the case is a possibility,’’ the executive stressed. Shin’s remarks were confirmed by its spokesman Park Han-yong.

  Afirmatia este adevarata, insa nu doar Apple poate fi inclusa aici, ci mai multi producatori de terminale mobile, deoarece brevetele importante ale Samsung sunt FRAND si pot fi utilizate de catre oricine. In afara brevetelor FRAND, Apple cumpara componente de la producatori care au licentiat tehnologii de la Samsung si lucrurile pot fi mult mai complicate, insa iPhone-ul ar fi ajuns pe piata si cu tehnologiile altora daca Samsung nu le-ar fi oferit pe ale sale.