Untethered jailbreak for the new iPhone 3GS coming soon

iphone-in-jail Although it is known that the new iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 3G can only benefit from one tethered jailbreak, the future does not seem to be as dark as it was expected at the time of the launch of the modified terminals. According to an interview given by Dev Team member Eric McDonald to the site Wired.com even if Apple "resolved" the 24kpwn exploit that allowed the jailbreak of previous models, the Dev Team seems to have already found a new jailbreak method for the new 3GS as well, which eliminates the headaches caused by the new bootrom. The exploit is currently in the development stage and in the characteristic style, the guys keep everything hidden and it is not known when or if a new jailbreak method will be developed. If all else fails, don't forget that there is geohot and it seems to be the only one that still keeps iPhone users smiling.