Haptic Pro update

The same Ryan Petrich, the developer of numerous projects for the iPhone/iPod Touch does not let the holidays "distract" him from working on new updates for our favorite applications. After the release of approximately 4-5 updates during the previous week, today came the role of the application Haptic Pro to receive a long-awaited refresh. For those who don't know Haptic Pro is an application that adds the option to set the phone to vibrate when you write: adding a vibration when you type a certain letter, vibration again when you take your finger off the screen and vibration again if you repeat the letter and the list of options goes on, and according to the university from Glasgow Scotland, this type of tactile feedback reduces the frequency of making an error while typing.

The announcement regarding the new update was made, of course, on Twitter and the news list looks something like this:

  • New technique for the vibration that will work on all firmware;
  • Improved and reorganized the settings panel;
  • The tool will work with the tweak "MultiIconMover.

Although he announced the updates, Ryan Petrich is a surprising guy, the proof is his recent work even though we are during the holidays when people relax or have fun, so the new version could hide some goodies, if you discover them say- us and us.

The application can be downloaded from Cydia, from the BigBoss repo for $2.99.