Overboard 1.1.4 update

overboard, the application for iPhone / iPod Touch which allows you to view all the pages with applications in a panoramic view Springboard received a fairly important update today reaching version 1.4. This application, like several others that received updates at the beginning of the year, belongs to him Ryan Petrich who apparently works quite a lot on his applications, is a very skilled developer, as evidenced by all his applications which are more and more appreciated in the iPhone community.

The previous update is about 10 days old and since then the application could not be cracked, another proof of Ryan's ability to protect his investments, so if you like this application you should buy it because if you have many applications installed in the phone are fully worth the money.

Here are the novelties brought by version 1.4:

– Improved and redefined the graphic icons;

– Increasing the speed of execution;

– Added sounds;

- Implemented integration with Iconoclasm;

– Off the reorganization in iTunes with more than 11 pages in Springboard;

– Added a help page when the device goes into Safe Mode;

– Fixed some rare cases that caused the deviec to crash;

– Implemented new LibActivator 1.1;

– Added Spanish language menus;

– Fixed a dependency with SSL.

As I said, the application costs, more precisely, $1.99 and can be purchased from Cydia Store.