Categories 2.99.3 update

Category is an application for iPhone / iPod Touch available Cydia which allows users to create folders in Springboard, similar to the system adopted by Windows / Mac, in which to insert all the icons displayed on the phone's homescreen.

Practically with the help of this application you can create organized folders for your applications: games, music, multimedia, etc., and this is very simple because Categories is very easy to use. The application is very useful for those who have extremely many applications installed because we know too well that Springboard site has a limited number of pages on which applications are displayed, and when exceeding them, all installed applications will no longer appear on the device screen.

Here's what's new Categories 2.99.3 :

  • GUI redesigned to be able to better integrate the new features such as that of the hidden icons
  • Improved Help menu now able to give more instructions
  • Added the ability to hide the icons (Poof) within the categories
  • Added new methods to determine if a folder was clay with a version higher than 2.27. In this way, we can convert the old folder to the new format
  • Added the ability to remove the folders with errors _NULL that before could not be erased.

Category can be downloaded for free from Cydia, from the repo BigBoss.