Orange Romania and mobile internet via 3G connection

Orange is the largest telecommunications operator in Romania with a customer base of over 10 million, a strong PR team that launches very well-made advertisements that glorify the company, but the reality is a little different from the one presented by Orange.

Today's problem is related to the "wonderful" network 3G a Orange, although they boast that it is capable of supporting speeds of up to 7.2 mbps, for mobile internet options it is limited to 3.6 mbps, but in fact it is not capable of carrying a heavy streaming audio. Every time I have work around town, I open the application RoRadio(which I warmly recommend), I let go 3Gand I can see my way calmly, only about 2 minutes before the application starts to display a small message: "Connection error", I think that maybe the respective audio streaming has problems and I try 3 more, same problem, I think maybe he has Orange a worse day, but the story has already been repeated for about 3 days (but it's not the first time) and I wonder what kind of bitter network he has Orange if it is not able to carry a 32/64kbps audio streaming, really now? There are no signal problems because on 3G is it always full or I have at least 4 bars, so where does the problem come from? Let the network be choked Orange? I don't really believe it, but I for one can't listen to a bitter streaming audio with a connection 3G. halal mobile operator!

I don't know how things are in other cities though Christian Ivan, the developer of the application, says that in Bucharest audio streaming also works on Edge, but in Iasi it doesn't even work on 3G … thank you Orange!

I want to mention that the phone is not decoded, it is blocked on Orange.

What experiences have you had with the connection? 3G for the Orange?