Video: Split/Second, a new racing game from Disney


Split / Second is a new game for iPhone / iPod Touch which is going to be released on the 18th of this month and as you can already see from the video above, it is announced to be a title to take into account, especially if you are a fan of racing games.

The game is a port of the XBOX 360/PS 3 version, but largely keeps the same graphics and of course the same features. From the trailer it can be seen that the graphics are quite good Split / Second and those who have tested it declare that on iPhone 3GS the game moves without any problem, it will probably be the same on the other terminals, but it would not be surprising that Disney to make some changes for the users of iPhone 2G / 3G to be able to play this game in optimal conditions.

Split / Second it will take you into the world of a reality TV show where you have to compete with other drivers to win as many races as possible and implicitly fame/money, all this taking full advantage of the car's capabilities, drifting, jumping over obstacles/etc.

There are 3 main game modes:

  • Season, which will carry through the races of the reality show championship;
  • Quick Race, where you play any unlocked race;
  • Multiplayer, which of course will give you the opportunity to play online with friends.

Split / Second it will be available on May 18 (as I already said above) and I for one can't wait for it, I'm sure it will be a hit!

What do you think?