Tutorial: How to install Android OS 2.2 Froyo SDK in Windows/Mac

The launch of Android OS 2.2 Froyo this week has sparked a lot of comments among the owners of terminals equipped with the Android operating system, but also among iPhone owners, for example, mainly due to the increased performance and the innovations that Google once brought with this update.

I, for one, was curious to see what Android OS looks like, so I installed its SDK and in the following I will teach you how to do it too:

Step 1

Download Android OS SDK for Windows/Mac by here.

Step 2

Extract the contents of the archive and double-click on SDK Setup.exe.

Step 3

In the newly opened window, click on Available Packages in the left menu and press refresh and the application will update the files available in the repository.

Step 4

From the available list, select the files from the image below to download and install.

Step 5

After you have downloaded/installed all the files required for the SDK, select the Virtual Devices option from the upper left part of the program and press New. Here you will configure your phone, first give it a name, then select the space offered for applications, and in the hardware options you will select what exactly you want the SDK to include.

Step 6

After you have finished configuring the phone, press Create AVD and let the application work. After finishing, select the created device and press Start to turn it on. After it starts, you have a little patience until it is configured and enters the system, after which you will be able to use it normally.

Installing applications

Unfortunately, you can't test any kind of applications in this SDK or flash 10.1, but Google has stated that certain applications can be installed and here's how you can do it:

1. Downloaded a development tool called Elipse by here.

2. Install Android Development Tool in Eclipse, you have details here.

3. Direct the ADK to the folder where you downloaded the Android SDK files.

4. Search and import Android applications, their format is .apk and you can find them on the Internet on different sites, not all of them are available through the Android Market.

This tutorial is made after the from Gizmodo, but they only made the Mac version. I managed to install the SDK and start the emulator, but I haven't reached the part with the applications yet, if you have other details, please leave them in a comment.