Google Goggles coming soon to iPhone


Google Goggles is an application through which you can obtain information about different objects in the real world from a simple picture taken of them with the help of your phone's camera. With the help of Google Goggles you can get information on: buildings, bridges, landmarks, barcodes, logos, text, business cards and various information for certain products such as books or DVDs.

Through this application you can, for example, take a picture of the People's House and the application will search the Internet and show you all the relevant information about the People's House, and this operation can be repeated with any of the examples I gave above. At the moment, Google Goggles is not compatible with iPhone OS, but during a conference on Augmented Reality that took place in California last week, a project manager from Google announced that the iPhone version of this application is in the works and will be available soon in the AppStore.

The application is absolutely brilliant and extremely useful especially for those who travel a lot, unfortunately I don't know how useful it will be for us Romanians.