iOS 4.0 GM jailbroken on iPhone 3G

MuscleNerd a announced a little while ago that redsn0w 0.9.5 released 2 weeks ago is 100% compatible with iOS 4.0 GM, so all those who can update to iOS 4.0 GM will be able to jailbreak using redsn0w 0.9.5. To be able to jailbreak iOS 4.0 GM with redsn0w 0.9.5, you must have the telephone operator's card on which the terminal is coded because redsn0w 0.9.5 does NOT activate the phone!

The jailbreak process on iOS 4.0 GM is identical to that for iPhone OS 3.x and redsn0w 0.9.5 can be downloaded from here: [download id=”48″]