The gyroscope in the new iPhone 4


The gyroscope, a new feature that Apple has implemented in the iPhone, a unique feature that, as far as I know, does not exist on any other smartphone in the world at the moment, a feature about which many will say "we needed this now? a gyro? it's just marketing". Looking at the situation objectively, I would probably say the same thing, but looking at the situation from the inside, I would say that the gyroscope will revolutionize gaming on the iPhone, why am I limited to gaming only? Well, I think that Apple thought the gyroscope more for gaming because in this field there are, I say, the most applications for it. With the help of the gyroscope, game developers will be able to introduce any kind of movements in their games, and car/plane games could become much more interesting if developers find original ways to implement the hardware introduced by Apple in the iPhone 4.

Unlike the accelerometer introduced in the iPhone 3G which only allowed linear movements, the new gyroscope allows angular movements and now the iPhone 4 is able to orient the device in any direction by simply moving the body. You will see in the video above that Steve Jobs moves his body to move the orientation of the camera in the Jenga game, with which he demonstrated the gyroscope at WWDC, but the phone does not move at all. The introduction of the gyroscope in the iPhone 4 is similar to the implementation of the gyroscope in the Nintendo Wii Plus and will probably have a much greater effect than the move made by Nintendo

Maybe you will consider me crazy, but I say that this gyroscope will revolutionize, at least, gaming on the iPhone if its functionalities are implemented correctly.