How Cydia and TinyUmbrella save SHSHs

I noticed that many of you are confused about the SHSH files saved by Cydia for your phones, so in this article I will try to explain why you have SHSH files for certain firmware versions saved in Cydia even though you did not have that version of firmware ever installed in iPhone/iPod Touch. Cydia and TinyUmbrella always save SHSH files ONLY for the current firmware version (4.0.1 in the present case) and this is because Apple only signs SHSH files for one firmware version at a time. You will never be able to save SHSH files for an old or future version of a firmware, but ONLY for the current one.

In order for TinyUmbrella or Cydia to save SHSH for a firmware, it is NOT necessary for that firmware version to be installed in your phone! For example: if you now have firmware 3.1.3 in the terminal, then you can save SHSH ONLY for 4.0.1 (even if it is not installed in the terminal) because this is the current firmware version for which SHSHs can be saved.

So if you have firmware 3.1.3 on your phone and you have SHSH for 4.0/4.0.1 saved in Cydia even though you never had that firmware version, you will know from now on why those SHSHs are saved.