The new decoding solution for iPhone 4 will be available tonight

During last night Planetbeing announced that the decoding solution for iPhone 4 will be available tonight, this after 2 days ago it announced that the launch will be put off for 48 hours because there are still some problems with the decoding implementation. Planetbeing has been working on perfecting this decoding solution for iPhone 4 users for almost a month now, but lately I'm assuming he's been working on his own since MuscleNerd is away at DefCon, so that would be a reason for the delay in the release of 2 days ago.

If you need this decoding solution, or if you just want to reward Planetbeing's work so far, you can read the article this and buy the Signal application from Cydia.

UPDATED : It seems that the decoding solution for iPhone 4 is now disposable in Cydia.