Apple will release an update that will close the vulnerabilities in iOS

According to those from Cnet, Apple has already solved the iOS vulnerabilities exploited by comex in the jailbreak solution on Apple will release an update for iOS in the near future, but it does not know exactly when it will be available or what other "fixes" it will have. At the moment, all those who have iOS 3.1.2 – 4.0.1 installed in their terminals are vulnerable to the attacks of any hacker who put the exploit from on their website, so my advice is to install PDF Loading Warner from Cydia, and if you don't have jailbreak then do and install that application.

Planetbeing warns us to buy an iPhone 4 now if we want to be able to use the jailbreak solution from, but the big problem is that the iPhone 4 is no longer available in most Apple stores, and those who made orders in Apple Store Online has to wait at least 3 weeks for delivery. My opinion is that this security fix will not be installed in the iPhone 4 terminals that will be available this month, but only in the ones from next month, so if you are waiting for one now you can rest easy.