From January 1, 2011, the EU directive regarding the micro-USB standard for smartphones comes into force

This year, the European Union signed an agreement with smartphone manufacturers, by which the manufacturers were obliged to put on sale, from January 1, 2011, phones that can be charged only through a micro-USB port. Thus, all phones will be charged with the same type of charger, eliminating dozens of different models of chargers that do not fit phones from the same manufacturer, for example. Apple has adhered to this agreement and according to the obligations it should introduce from January 1, 2011 a modified iPhone model that will be charged through a micro-USB port instead of the current 30-pin port.

This year Apple launched the iPhone 4 with the same 30-pin connection configuration, without giving any sign that it intends to respect the commitment made to the European Union. It is not known if the current iPhone model will be modified, there is anyway little chance that this will happen, and it is likely that Apple will offer free micro-USB adapters for all iPhone 4 owners. Probably with the launch of the new iPhone, Apple will implement this standard in its terminal, so those from other continents will also benefit from this standard, not only Europeans.