Activate the Cellular Data Network option and solve the Internet problem at Orange

2 days ago I wrote an article in which we explain the methods by which you can solve the problems with the Internet at Orange after the update to the carrier bundle 8.1. Today I discovered a much simpler method to solve this problem, if you have a jailbreak, and with it you solve another one, that is, the activation of Internet tethering (for those who need it). The TetherMe 1.3-4 application activates the Cellular Data Network option immediately after installation and gives you access to the Internet/mms settings of the Orange carrier bundle/your telephone operator. Now the "net" setting appears in Orange, but if you change it to "internet" your internet should work without problems, so a simple and hassle-free solution.

In addition to solving the problem with the carrier bundle update, activate the Internet tethering option for your mobile phone operator. For Orange you have the "modem" option of €4/month which will activate the "internet tethering" function for your phone, but the other mobile operators do not offer this option for now, so this application would be the only solution to use the phone on the post of modem.

All you have to do is install the TetherMe application from Cydia and it will make all the changes. The application costs only $2 and my opinion is that it is totally worth it.