comex has a solution for an untethered jailbreak

One is already walking Bell which says that the new jailbreak solution based on the SHAtter exploit will be tethered, which means we will need to redo the jailbreak every time we reset our iDevice. MuscleNerd and the other members of the Dev Team are probably bombarded with questions about this, but last night MuscleNerd was asked about the exploit that comex has and he replied that if comex is going to release a jailbreak then there will definitely be one untethered. If SHAtter will be tethered, then surely after the release of iOS 4.2 there will be an untethered solution to jailbreak the new version of iOS because the iPad tablet will not be compatible with iOS 4.1 but with iOS 4.2 yes.

For now we are waiting and receiving all kinds of information from different people, but we will know for sure what features the new jailbreak solution has only after its release.