How much would an iPhone 4 cost without a subscription to Orange

Although Orange officially did not give any details about the availability of the iPhone 4 terminal "free" (that is, without a contract), various news appeared in the newspapers talking about the price of the terminal without a subscription. Initially it was about the news this in which we were told that the terminal would cost approximately 4500 lei, but in the end it turned out to be all without any kind of support because the terminal is only available by subscription. Today it appeared high which is somewhat closer to reality and indicates that the price of the iPhone 4 terminal "free" would be:

  • 3000 lei – iPhone 4 16GB;
  • 3500 lei iPhone 4 32GB.

These 2 prices are most likely based on the information provided by the Orange online store, which displays the lowest price and the highest price for each iPhone model. For the iPhone 4 16GB, the lowest price was €169, the maximum price was €697, and for the iPhone 4 32GB, the maximum price was somewhere over €800. So if it had been available "for free" the iPhone 4 16GB would have cost at least €700 according to the data provided by the Orange online store. A rather high price, perhaps too high for Romania.