iOS 4.2 beta 2 available, here are the news

Today Apple released the second beta version for iOS 4.2 and we already find some interesting news in it. Unfortunately, this version will only be available in November, so we still have to wait quite a while until we can benefit from the changes brought by the new iOS. I warn you not to install iOS 4.2 beta because it has a new baseband and you risk not being able to decode your phones for a long time.

Here's what it brings new iOS 4.2 beta 2:
1. Apple changed the logo for Recovery Mode and it will look like the one in the picture. It is a normal change considering that they changed the version of iTunes.

2. The Cellular Data Network field has been re-added to the Network section to allow all people to modify the data needed to connect to the Internet.

3. They were modified animations for multitasking and now the windows will rotate to the left and then they will go under the new ones.


4. The AppStore application on the phone now displays the GameCenter icon for all applications whose developers have implemented support for this new application.

5. Fixed issues with PUSH Notifications being sent for those who had MobileMe accounts.

6. The possibility to add new friends in Game Center and from other compatible applications was implemented.

7. New options for uploading to YouTube have been added.