Adobe and Microsoft could ally against Apple

These days the president of Microsoft Steve Ballmer had a meeting "secret" with his counterpart from the head of the Adobe company and among the topics discussed was also a possible partnership of the 2 companies. At the moment Apple is "like a thorn in the side" of those from Adobe because it refuses to use flash in its products and criticizes it whenever it has the opportunity, but the situation is not too rosy for Microsoft either surpassed by Apple in terms of market share in the field of smartphones. The 2 presidents would also have discussed a possible acquisition of the Adobe company by Microsoft, but I believe that such a thing would produce more harm than good because Adobe as a separate entity is much more interested in improving its products than in the case which would be under the tutelage of those from Microsoft.

The meeting, which lasted more than an hour, covered a number of topics, but one of the main thrusts of the discussion was Apple and its control of the mobile phone market and how the two companies could team up in the battle against Apple. A possible acquisition of Adobe by Microsoft were among the options.

One person familiar with the discussion said the two companies had talked about the blockade that Apple's chief executive, Steven P. Jobs, had placed on Adobe's Flash software for its hand-held devices and whether a partnership by Adobe and Microsoft could fend off Apple, which continues to grow at juggernaut speeds.

Apple and Google would probably not have a serious competitor from "MicroDobe" on the market of mobile terminals and I say this because iOS and Android OS are presented in so many devices and there are so many applications/communities for them that it is very hard to beat them at the moment, no matter how much money you invest in advertising. What do you think, would a partnership between Microsoft and Adobe be good, or would it be better if Microsoft bought the company directly?