Apple did not release the white iPhone 4 due to supplier issues

A few days ago there was a person at an event in New York seen with a white iPhone 4 in his hand and the people from Pocket-lint, curious by nature, asked him how he came into possession of this terminal. The answer to this was that a friend from Apple bought him this white model of the terminal and according to his words there are quite a few such terminals at the Apple headquarters. If you want/want an iPhone 4 and wonder why it is not yet on sale, well, I have an answer for this question as well: it seems that Apple did not manage to obtain the same shade of white from the components of the different suppliers. More specifically, Apple obtained from certain suppliers the front case of the terminal in a shade of white and from others the Home button in another shade of white.

It may sound a bit strange, but this was the answer of the person when he was asked about the reason why Apple has not yet released a white model of the iPhone 4 terminal. Will Apple manage to solve this problem? Hard to say... and according to the person asking, this problem still persists, so it could take some time until the white model will be available for purchase.