Happy Birthday zaone.ro!

Today www.zaone.ro it has been 1 year since publication the first article, 364 days, 52 weeks, 8734 hours and a few million seconds in which I tried to keep you informed about everything new in the iPhone community and beyond. During this time, a little over 1 million visitors passed through this site, several million views, several tens of thousands of downloads were recorded and several thousand people were satisfied that they managed to jailbreak, decode or solve a the problem with their iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch. It was and is a hard, continuous work that I do for you, mostly alone (however with a little help from the person which gave me the necessary impetus to open this website) and within the limits of my powers. I would like to do more, but unfortunately I am not endowed with knowledge about web design or programming, so the surprises I have prepared for you depend on the time and work of others, but I hope to be able to show them to you as soon as possible.

This year zaone.ro has grown like others in 10 and now gathers probably the largest iPhone community in Romania and I hope that in a year we will be 2 or maybe 3 times as many with much more knowledge and beautiful products ahead Our. I thank you for the contribution you brought to the development of this site, this community and I hope you will continue to do so!

Regarding the zaone.ro application, unfortunately Apple has blocked the possibility of sending push notifications, so until they accept the application in the AppStore, I will not be able to send push notifications because there really is no possibility to do this. We are working on modifying the application to meet Apple's guidelines and I hope that the lady who has rejected it so far will look at it "with different eyes" because basically this is not the only site in the world that writes about jailbreak and has a application "accepted" in the AppStore.