Fast Copy – removes the lag of the copy/paste option in iOS

If you have used the copy/paste function in iOS, then you have surely noticed that there is a small delay between pressing the button and the performance of the respective action. comex claims that Apple introduced a delay to perform the function after pressing the button and its small tweak removes this delay and performs the function on the spot. I tested it a little and it really seems like the whole process is a bit faster, but not extraordinarily fast, but the difference is definitely noticeable. Here is the official description of the application:

The editing menu (copy, paste select all etc.) always seems to lag for a moment with the button you pressed highlighted before actually performing the action. This is actually just a delay; this tweak removes it, making copying and pasting feel much snappier.

The tweak is available for free in Cydia, so you can test it even if you think the idea itself is quite strange. I installed it and I'm not thinking of removing it too soon because it gives me the impression that copy/paste works as it should.