Apple could give up selling the iPhone through mobile phone operators

Today there was a rather interesting rumor for current and future owners of iPhone terminals because it would seem that Apple is working with a company to produce a universal SIM card. So far nothing extraordinary, but the interesting part comes now: Apple wants to implement a universal SIM in iPhone terminals to remove the mobile operators from the terminal distribution "chain". This universal SIM would work with any operator in the world, but it would have to be configured by Apple with the customer's data or even by the customer himself through an AppStore application.

It's rumored that Apple and Gemalto have created a SIM card, which is typically a chip that carries subscriber identification information for the carriers, that will be integrated into the iPhone itself. Then customers will then be able to choose their carrier at the time of purchase at the Apple web site or retail store, or buy the phone and get their handset up and running through a download at the App Store as opposed to visiting a carrier store or calling the carrier. Either way, it reduces the role of the carrier in the iPhone purchase.

Apple shocked many this summer when it decided to sell the decoded iPhone 4 in many of its stores around the world and looking at the situation from the perspective of this new rumor, this summer's move seems to be a first step towards independence from mobile phone operators . In practice, Apple will sell iPhone terminals decoded from the factory and the user will be able to configure the network he wants to use the terminal without even removing the card from the phone. For now, everything is just a rumor, but if it is true, then it is more than great news for all current and future owners of iPhone terminals.