Apple acquires Wi-Gear and could produce BlueTooth accessories

Wi-Gear is a small company from the USA that for some time has been producing wireless headphones called iMuffs that work via bluetooth with any compatible iDevices. The company has been moderately successful and that seems to be appealing attention to those from Apple who purchased it and apparently plan to produce wireless stereo headphones that will work via bluetooth using AD2P technology. It seems that in the past Apple was not very successful with products of this kind manufactured in its own laboratories, so now it has acquired this company and intends to manufacture such accessories for iDevices/Macs.

The accessories manufactured by Apple have always been "in great demand" and surely such a set of headphones would be successful in Apple stores, especially since today the tendency is to simplify things and a set of wireless headphones is much more simple, comfortable, cooler than a wired one. In the end, we still have a long time to wait until these products are available on the market, so a lot can change until then.