FaceBook Places soon in Romania


You probably heard last week that the famous FaceBook Places service, which allows us to share in real time with all our friends on the famous social network our location on the map, will soon be available in Romania as well. Practically through this service you can tell all your friends where you are at a certain moment and if your friends are near that location they will be notified of your presence. The service is successful in some countries where it has been implemented, but unlike Romania, Google has updated maps for those countries and in Romania only the important cities have maps worthy of consideration, so I personally think that the implementation of this service would be somewhat premature in Romania.

In addition to the aspect regarding maps, the aspect regarding privacy must also be taken into account. Do you really want any of your friends to know where you are at any given moment? Do you really want to be surprised by certain people when you are quietly having a conversation with someone or eating somewhere in the city? I will not use this service because it is simply not useful for me, but for others it could prove to be a good method to make new friends or meet old ones again.

However, are you waiting or not for the launch of the Places service in Romania? Will you use it or not?