The new version of Cydia will also work on iOS 2.x/3.x plus a new version of TinyUmbrella is in the works

[blackbirdpie url=”!/saurik/statuses/9992722941218816″]

Saurik announced today on his Twitter account that a new version of the Cydia application is in the works and will work with iOS 2.x/3.x. The new version of Cydia has been optimized for iOS 4.2.1, but those with iOS 2.x/3.x cannot use it because it seems that for now it is not compatible with those versions of iOS, so if you install it it is possible to it won't work. saurik has worked to bring this compatibility to iPhone 2G/3G/3GS users and it is almost ready, it remains for Comex to make some optimizations and probably the new version will be available for everyone.

[blackbirdpie url=”!/notcom/status/9981308004474880″]

Notcom, the developer of the TinyUmbrella application that allows us to save SHSH files for iOS and use them for restore, has announced that it is working on a new version of its program. The new version will bring many novelties, most of them directed to the way the program will work with SHSHs and manage the restore process. I just hope that notcom finds a way to get some terminals out of Recovery Mode after displaying error 1015 - here we are only talking about terminals with baseband 06.15.00.