Video: Flash Player 10.2 has 10 times better performance than its predecessor


Last month at the Adobe Max conference, the beta version of flash player 10.2 was presented which, as you can see from the video clip, has 10 times better performance than the current version of flash player 10. Notice that the old technology used by Adobe to play the clips video can lead to excessive consumption of the processor, but the new technology called Stage Video reduces this consumption by up to 10 times even on a new generation MacBook Air.

The improvements are really impressive and maybe they would convince even Steve Jobs to change his opinion about the flash player, but the whole problem lies in the fact that all sites have to update their players to use the new Stage Video technology. My opinion is that Adobe is finally making important steps towards solving flash performance issues, but this is only part of the problem because flash is a major source of incompatibilities and bugs.

If Adobe manages to solve these problems, it may be able to wash its image internationally and stop the growing trend of HTML.