Apple is worth over 300 billion dollars

Despite the problems with iDevice alarms, Apple had a Grow significant on the US stock market, the shares reaching the value of $330, thus propelling the total value of the company on the American stock market to over $300 billion. Last year, Apple became the second most valuable company on the American stock market, succeeding in surpassing Microsoft. At the moment, Exxon Mobil is the best-rated company on the American stock market, surpassing the value of Apple by more than 20%.

My opinion is that here we see only the beginning of growth for Apple because on January 18 we will find out the financial situation of the company and I suspect that Apple will announce record sales for this period. After this conference follows the presentation of the iPad 2 tablet, which will certainly leave its mark on the company's position on the American stock market, and I believe that by the end of the year Apple could become the most valuable American company.