iPad 2 released on April 2 or 9? Comes with Retina Display, USB port and 2 cameras.

According to website from Germany, the second generation of the iPad 2 tablet would be available on April 2 or 9, 2011. The website claims to have information from sources close to Apple who claim that the tablet will first be available only in the US and only through Apple stores, following that from July the tablet will also be launched in Europe. Apple would sell the tablet through its own stores for the first 6 months of availability, after which the iPad 2 would be available at other retailers.

Reliable sources told us about the upcoming launch of the Apple iPad 2: the first or second Saturday in April will see the first sales of Apple's new tablet. The iPad 2 will sell US-only for three months, and Apple Store-only for up to half a year. In July, more countries will follow. Walmart, Best Buy and Co. maybe have to wait until October until they are allowed to sell Apple's new tablets.

It's hard to believe that Apple will wait until July to launch the iPad 2 tablet in the rest of the world, so I personally don't think this assumption is valid. The release in April could be correct because the iPad also appeared in the same period and considering that the iPhone 4 CDMA will be released in February, it is possible that Apple will wait 2 months before introducing a new product on the market.

The German site claims that the new tablet will have a Retina Display, a USB port, and 2 cameras, but the retina screen will not have the same pixel density as the iPhone 4 and of course it will not have the same resolution.