saurik is preparing new surprises for Cydia application users

Last week saurik made a few changes on the servers that run the amazing ecosystem called Cydia and the results did not take long to appear. In the image above we have a small graph regarding the response times of the servers for requests made by users in Cydia. Notice that the response times have improved by up to 3 times after the changes made by saurik and probably many of you have already noticed this in Cydia.

[blackbirdpie url=”!/saurik/status/26658188027764736″]

saurik is constantly working on improving the infrastructure through which we can download applications from Cydia and its new centralized database will further increase the overall performance of the way the application responds to searches. It's good that saurik constantly optimizes its servers because the Cydia application worked extremely extremely hard before these optimizations.