Chronic Dev Team could demonstrate in a few hours a new untethered jailbreak solution

[blackbirdpie url=”!/pod2g/status/28457333881307136″]

Pod2d, a member of the Chronic Dev Team and the person who discovered the SHAtter exploit that was going to be used in iOS 4.1, announced that today the Chronic Dev Team will present the result of the team's work in the last few days. Those from Chronic Dev were challenged by MuscleNerd to release an untethered jailbreak solution and today we could witness its presentation. It is not clear when we will find out what it is about, pod2G wrote that in a few hours we will find out more. Everyone is waiting for untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 and for the upcoming iOS 4.3 and if SHAtter still works on these versions of iOS then it is possible to see an implementation of this exploit along with another one for untethered jailbreak.

UPDATED: A video clip demonstrating the new jailbreak solution has been released, you can see it here.